Whois: State Educational Institution of higher professional Education 'Altai state technical university aft
Hosting Company: | State Educational Institution of higher professional Education 'Altai state technical university aft |
Hosting ASN: | AS30911 |
Hosting Address: | Altai state technical university, 46 Lenin av., Barnaul, 656038, Altai region |
Hosting Country: | Russian Federation, Barnaul |
State Educational Institution of higher professional Education 'Altai state technical university aft ip ranges
# | Range | CDIR | Ip count | Name | Location |
1 | - | | 512 | ALTSTU-NET | Russian Federation |
State Educational Institution of higher professional Education 'Altai state technical university aft domains (0 total)
# | Name | IP | Rank | Updated |
No results |
State Educational Institution of higher professional Education 'Altai state technical university aft users
# | IP | OS | Browser | Updated |
No results |