Whois: Tele Columbus AG

Hosting Company: Tele Columbus AG
Hosting ASN: AS35244
Hosting Address: Tele Columbus Betriebs GmbH,Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 108,10553 Berlin,
Hosting Country: Germany, Berlin
Associated ASNumsAS16202, AS20880

Tele Columbus AG ip ranges

# Range CDIR Ip count Name Location
1 - 1,024 KMS-MUC-DYN-CMTS-09 Germany
2 2a02:2455:: - 2a02:2455:7fff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff 2a02:2455::/33 2^95 PYUR_IPv6_Sued Germany, Berlin

Tele Columbus AG domains (0 total)

# Name IP Rank Updated
No results

Tele Columbus AG users

# IP OS Browser Updated
1 2a02:2455:181a:700:376f:a30f:948d:2363 Windows 10 Chrome 125.0 Last seen: 14.06.2024
2 Unknown OS Platform Googlebot 2.1 Last seen: 18.03.2024
Whois AS35244
info % This is the RIPE Database query service.% The objects are in RPSL format.%% The RIPE Database is subject to Terms and Conditions.% To receive output for a database update, use the "-B" flag.% Information related to 'AS34986 - AS35839'% Information related to 'AS35244'% Abuse contact for 'AS35244' is '[email protected]'% This query was served by the RIPE Database Query Service version 1.103 (HEREFORD)
% See http //www.ripe.net/db/support/db-terms-conditions.pdf
% Note this output has been filtered.
as-block AS34986 - AS35839
descr RIPE NCC ASN block
remarks These AS Numbers are assigned to network operators in the RIPE NCC service region.
# Upstream
# ----------------
# Lambdanet (IPv4 and IPv6)
# ----------------
# --------------
# HLkomm (IPv4 and IPv6)
# --------------
# --------------
# Tiscali (IPv4 and IPv6)
# --------------
# ----------------
# Interoute (IPv4)
# ----------------
# Downstream
# ---------------------
# MANDA (IPv6)
# ---------------------
# Peering
# ----------------
# Hansenet (IPv4)
# ----------------
# -----------------------
# Easynet (IPv4 and IPv6)
# -----------------------
# --------------------------
# DeNIC eG Anycast AS (IPv4)
# --------------------------
# -----------
# MESH (IPv4)
# -----------
# -------------------
# DFN (IPv4 and IPv6)
# -------------------
# -----------------------
# Freenet (IPv4 and IPv6)
# -----------------------
# -------------------------
# Space.NET (IPv4 and IPv6)
# -------------------------
# -----------------------------
# Telefonica Deutschland (IPv4)
# -----------------------------
# -------------------------
# Noris.net (IPv4 and IPv6)
# -------------------------
# --------------------
# TNIB (IPv4 and IPv6)
# --------------------
# -------------------
# Internetwire (IPv4)
# -------------------
# ---------------
# Plusline (IPv4)
# ---------------
# -------------
# Cogent (IPv4)
# -------------
# ---------------------
# M-Net (IPv4 and IPv6)
# ---------------------
# -------------------------------
# Teledata Friedrichshafen (IPv4)
# -------------------------------
# ---------------------
# 1und1 (IPv4 and IPv6)
# ---------------------
# -------------
# Akamai (IPv4)
# -------------
# -------------------
# KPN Eurorings (IPv6)
# -------------------
# -----------------
# Portal2Web (IPv4)
# -----------------
# -----------------
# tr@nsnet (IPv4 and IPv6)
# -----------------
# ---------------
# Stueberl (IPv4)
# ---------------
# --------------------------
# Bartels System GmbH (IPv4)
# --------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------
# ccn - corporate communication networks (IPv4)
# ---------------------------------------------
# --------------------
# Domainfactory (IPv4)
# --------------------
# ---------------------
# MANDA (IPv4 and IPv6)
# ---------------------
# ------------------------------
# We Dare B.V. (IPv4)
# ------------------------------
# -----------
# Colt (IPv4)
# -----------
# -----------------
# UnitedColo (IPv4)
# -----------------
# -----------------
# Netcologne (IPv4)
# -----------------
# ----------------------
# rh-tec (IPv4 and IPv6)
# ----------------------
# ----------------
# netdirekt (IPv4)
# ----------------
# ----------------
# DBD Deutsche Breitband Dienste GmbH (IPv4)
# ----------------
# ----------------
# DTS DTS-Service GmbH (IPv4)
# ----------------
# ----------------
# ReTN Real-Time Network (IPv4)
# ----------------
# --------------
# ComBots (IPv4)
# --------------
# -----------------------------------
# DE-CIX Route-Server (IPv4 and IPv6)
# -----------------------------------
# -------------------------
# Limelight Networks (IPv4)
# -------------------------
# ------------------------
# DeNIC eG (IPv4 and IPv6)
# ------------------------
# ----------
# RTL (IPv4)
# ----------
# ---------------
# Scanplus (IPv4)
# ---------------
# -------------
# FastIT (IPv4)
# -------------
# ---------------------------
# Kamp Netzwerkdienste (IPv4)
# ---------------------------
# ---------------
# Leaseweb (IPv4)
# ---------------
# ------------------
# Interscholz (IPv4)
# ------------------
# -------------
# Link11 (IPv4)
# -------------
# -------------
# OpenCarrier e.G. (IPv4)
# -------------
# ------------------------------
# Probe Networks (IPv4 and IPv6)
# ------------------------------
# ----------
# QSC (IPv4)
# ----------
# ----------------
# Regio.NET (IPv4)
# ----------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Forschungsnetz Rheinland-Pfalz RLP-NET (IPv4)
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# -------------
# -------------
# ------------
# ecore (IPv4)
# ------------
# --------------
# Bellaxa (IPv4)
# --------------
# ---------------------------------------------
# Beyond The Network America (BtNAccess) (IPv4)
# ---------------------------------------------
# ---------------------
# R-KOM (IPv4 and IPv6)
# ---------------------
# ------------
# Init7 (IPv4)
# ------------
# ----------------
# Terralink (IPv4)
# ----------------
# ----------------------
# Belwue (IPv4 and IPv6)
# ----------------------
# ----------------------
# Bit.nl (IPv4 and IPv6)
# ----------------------
# -------------------------
# Headlight (IPv4 and IPv6)
# -------------------------
# ----------------------------------
# TNG - The Net Generation AG (IPv4)
# ----------------------------------
# ----------
# RDS (IPv4)
# ----------
# -----------------------
# Finecom (IPv4 and IPv6)
# -----------------------
# -----------------------
# Verio (IPv6)
# -----------------------
# -----------------------
# -----------------------
# BCIX Routeserver (IPv4)
# -----------------------
# -----------------------
created 2022-01-11T09:20:05Z
last-modified 2022-01-11T09:20:05Z
source RIPE
RIPE # Filtered
RIPE # Filtered
aut-num AS35244
as-name KMS-DE_AS
mp-import afi any.unicast from AS13237 accept ANY
afi any.unicast from AS16097 accept ANY
afi any.unicast from AS3257 accept ANY
afi ipv4.unicast from AS8928 accept ANY
afi ipv6.unicast from AS8365 accept AS-MANDA
afi ipv4.unicast from AS13184 accept AS-HANSENET
afi any.unicast from AS4589 accept AS-EASYNET
afi ipv4.unicast from AS31529 accept AS31529
afi ipv4.unicast from AS25074 accept AS-INETBONE
afi any.unicast from AS680 accept AS-DFNTOWINISP
afi any.unicast from AS5430 accept AS-FREENETDE
afi any.unicast from AS5539 accept AS-SPACENET
afi ipv4.unicast from AS6805 accept AS-TDDE
afi any.unicast from AS12337 accept AS-NORIS
afi any.unicast from AS21385 accept AS-TNIB
afi ipv4.unicast from AS13246 accept AS-INETWIRE
afi ipv4.unicast from AS12306 accept AS-PLUSLINE
afi ipv4.unicast from AS174 accept AS-174
afi any.unicast from AS8767 accept AS-MNETDE
afi ipv4.unicast from AS21263 accept AS-TELEDATA
afi any.unicast from AS8560 accept AS-1AND1
afi ipv4.unicast from AS20940 accept AS-AKAMAI
afi ipv6.unicast from AS286 accept ANY
afi ipv4.unicast from AS8489 accept AS-P2W
afi any.unicast from AS8481 accept AS-TRANSNET
afi ipv4.unicast from AS2861 accept AS-STUEBERL
afi ipv4.unicast from AS15434 accept AS-BARTELS
afi ipv4.unicast from AS29488 accept AS-CCN
afi ipv4.unicast from AS34011 accept AS34011
afi ipv4.unicast from AS8365 accept AS-MANDA
afi ipv4.unicast from AS20495 accept AS-WEDARE
afi any.unicast from AS8220 accept AS-COLT
afi ipv4.unicast from AS13301 accept AS-UNITEDCOLO
afi ipv4.unicast from AS8422 accept AS-NETCOLOGNE
afi any.unicast from AS25560 accept AS-RHTEC
afi ipv4.unicast from AS28753 accept AS-NETDIRECT
afi ipv4.unicast from AS41039 accept AS-DBD
afi ipv4.unicast from AS8879 accept AS-DTS
afi ipv4.unicast from AS25462 accept AS-RETN
afi ipv4.unicast from AS35364 accept AS-COMBOTS
afi any.unicast from AS6695 accept AS-DECIX
afi ipv4.unicast from AS22822 accept AS-LLNW
afi any.unicast from AS8763 accept AS-DENIC
afi ipv4.unicast from AS20504 accept AS20504
afi ipv4.unicast from AS12399 accept AS-SPXS
afi ipv4.unicast from AS24961 accept AS-FASTIT
afi ipv4.unicast from AS8648 accept AS-KAMP
afi ipv4.unicast from AS16265 accept AS-LEASEWEB-DEX
afi ipv4.unicast from AS33843 accept AS-INTERSCHOLZ
afi ipv4.unicast from AS34309 accept AS-LINK11
afi ipv4.unicast from AS41692 accept AS-OPENCARRIER
afi any.unicast from AS29686 accept AS-PROBENETWORKS
afi ipv4.unicast from AS20676 accept AS-QSC
afi ipv4.unicast from AS8804 accept AS-IX-REGIONET
afi ipv4.unicast from AS2857 accept AS-RLP-NET
afi ipv4.unicast from AS5605 accept AS-NETUSE
afi ipv4.unicast from AS8741 accept AS-ECORE
afi ipv4.unicast from AS34088 accept AS-BELLAXA
afi ipv4.unicast from AS3491 accept AS-CAIS
afi any.unicast from AS12611 accept AS-RKOM
afi ipv4.unicast from AS13030 accept AS-INIT7
afi ipv4.unicast from AS24905 accept AS-TERRALINK
afi any.unicast from AS553 accept AS-BELWUE
afi any.unicast from AS12859 accept AS-BIT
afi any.unicast from AS6666 accept AS-HEADLIGHT
afi ipv4.unicast from AS13101 accept AS-TNG
afi ipv4.unicast from AS8708 accept AS-RDSNET
afi any.unicast from AS15600 accept AS-LAN
afi ipv6.unicast from AS15600 accept AS-VERIO
afi ipv4.unicast from AS16374 accept AS31529
mp-export afi any.unicast to AS13237 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS16097 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS3257 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS8928 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv6.unicast to AS8365 announce ANY
afi ipv4.unicast to AS13184 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS4589 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS31529 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS25074 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS680 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS5430 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS5539 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS6805 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS12337 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS21385 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS13246 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS12306 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS174 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS8767 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS21263 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS8560 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS20940 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv6.unicast to AS286 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS8489 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS8481 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS2861 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS15434 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS29488 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS34011 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS8365 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS20495 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS8220 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS13301 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS8422 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS25560 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS28753 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS41039 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS8879 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS25462 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS35364 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS6695 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS22822 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS8763 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS20504 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS12399 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS24961 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS8648 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS16265 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS33843 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS34309 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS41692 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS29686 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS20676 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS8804 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS2857 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS5605 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS8741 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS34088 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS3491 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS12611 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS13030 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS24905 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS553 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS12859 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS6666 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS13101 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS8708 announce AS-KMS
afi any.unicast to AS15600 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv6.unicast to AS15600 announce AS-KMS
afi ipv4.unicast to AS16374 announce AS-KMS
tech-c TCIP1-RIPE
admin-c TCIP1-RIPE
organisation ORG-BBG1-RIPE
org-name Tele Columbus AG
country DE
org-type LIR
address Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 108
10553 Berlin
Tele Columbus Betriebs GmbH
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 108
10553 Berlin
phone +49 30 3388 0
fax-no +49 30 3388 1213
abuse-c TAC13-RIPE
role Tele Columbus IP Contact
nic-hdl TCIP1-RIPE