Hosting Company: "EUROTELE-PLUS" LLC
Hosting ASN: AS6768
Hosting Address: PO BOX 53,01033,KYIV,UKRAINE,Office 93, Vatslava Gavela Blvd., 7 "V",Kyiv, UKRAINE,
Hosting Country: Ukraine, Kyiv


# Range CDIR Ip count Name Location
1 - 256 UA-LIPTEL-7-20210921 Ukraine, Kiyv
2 - 1,024 UA-EUROTELE-PLUS1-20190508 Ukraine, Kyiv

"EUROTELE-PLUS" LLC domains (0 total)

# Name IP Rank Updated
No results


# IP OS Browser Updated
No results
Whois AS6768
info % This is the RIPE Database query service.% The objects are in RPSL format.%% The RIPE Database is subject to Terms and Conditions.% To receive output for a database update, use the "-B" flag.% Information related to 'AS6714 - AS6878'% Information related to 'AS6768'% Abuse contact for 'AS6768' is '[email protected]'% This query was served by the RIPE Database Query Service version 1.103 (WAGYU)
% See http //www.ripe.net/db/support/db-terms-conditions.pdf
% Note this output has been filtered.
as-block AS6714 - AS6878
descr RIPE NCC ASN block
remarks These AS Numbers are assigned to network operators in the RIPE NCC service region.
---- Upstreams ----------------------------------------
---- IXPs ---------------------------------------------
=== PEERS ===
=== UA PEERS ===
---- Parities -----------------------------------------
---- Customers ----------------------------------------
Operational issues to [email protected]
Abuse reports to [email protected]
Peering contact is [email protected]
Communities accepted from customers
customer traffic engineering communities - Blackhole
6768:6660 - blackhole (discard) traffic
Traffic destined for /32 prefixes tagged with this
community will be discarded at ingress to the Eurotel
network. The prefix must be one permitted by the
customer's existing ingress BGP filter.
created 2018-11-22T15:27:23Z
last-modified 2018-11-22T15:27:23Z
source RIPE
RIPE # Filtered
RIPE # Filtered
RIPE # Filtered
aut-num AS6768
as-name EUROTEL-AS
org ORG-LA1381-RIPE
import from AS174 action pref=100; accept ANY
from AS1299 action pref=100; accept ANY
from AS3356 action pref=100; accept ANY
from AS9002 action pref=100; accept ANY
from AS6939 action pref=100; accept ANY
from AS6695 action pref=290; accept AS-DECIX
from AS6777 action pref=290; accept AS-AMS-IX-RS
from AS50952 action pref=290; accept AS-DATAIX
from AS59947 action pref=290; accept AS-LL-IX
from AS8631 action pref=290; accept AS-MSKROUTESERVER
from AS15645 action pref=300; accept AS-UAIX
from AS31210 action pref=300; accept AS-DTEL-IX
from AS49869 action pref=300; accept AS-PITER-IX-MSK
from AS56931 action pref=300; accept AS-EURASIAPEERING_RS
from AS59613 action pref=300; accept AS-UBNIX
from AS50263 action pref=300; accept AS-1-IX
from AS39902 action pref=310; accept AS-MESHIX-MEMBERS
from AS41120 action pref=310; accept AS-IFIX
from AS211947 action pref=310; accept AS-KREMENIX
from AS28681 action pref=310; accept AS-KMIX
from AS50384 accept AS-W-IX
from AS42632 accept AS-MNOGOBYTE
from AS8744 accept AS-WIMAX
from AS39792 accept AS-ANDERS
from AS60068 accept AS-CDN77
from AS50772 accept AS-UTT
from AS35297 accept ANY
from AS3255 accept AS-UARNET
from AS31148 accept AS-FNT
from AS6849 accept AS-UKRTELBT
from AS13335 action pref=200; accept AS-CLOUDFLARE
from AS11344 action pref=200; accept { }
from AS32934 action pref=200; accept AS-FACEBOOK
from AS34867 action pref=200; accept AS-COSMONOVA
from AS43139 action pref=200; accept AS-MAXIMUM
from AS44600 action pref=200; accept AS-GGT
from AS49544 action pref=200; accept AS-INTERACTIVE3D
from AS59592 action pref=200; accept AS-MEGOGO-UA
from AS204384 action pref=200; accept AS204384
from AS9205 action pref=100; accept AS-SNS
from AS12397 action pref=100; accept AS12397
from AS24881 action pref=100; accept AS-INTERPHONE
from AS31069 action pref=100; accept AS31069
from AS31531 action pref=100; accept AS31531
from AS35614 action pref=100; accept AS-TH
from AS39413 action pref=100; accept AS39413
from AS41119 action pref=100; accept AS-GEPARD-WORLD
from AS47651 action pref=100; accept AS47651
from AS49817 action pref=100; accept AS49817
from AS50927 action pref=100; accept AS-DELTA-ISP
from AS51216 action pref=100; accept AS51216
from AS51903 action pref=100; accept AS-WEARENET
from AS52114 action pref=100; accept AS-METANNET
from AS52180 action pref=100; accept AS-EL
from AS56386 action pref=100; accept AS56386
from AS56485 action pref=100; accept AS-THEHOST
from AS56824 action pref=100; accept AS56824
from AS57460 action pref=100; accept AS-LINKNET
from AS59768 action pref=100; accept AS59768
from AS61101 action pref=100; accept AS61101
from AS196939 action pref=100; accept AS196939
from AS200787 action pref=100; accept AS200787
from AS202353 action pref=100; accept AS202353
from AS203149 action pref=100; accept AS203149
from AS203781 action pref=100; accept AS203781
from AS204485 action pref=100; accept AS204485
from AS205048 action pref=100; accept AS205048
from AS207889 action pref=100; accept AS207889
from AS208494 action pref=100; accept AS208494
from AS31633 action pref=100; accept AS-LANTELECOM
from AS197278 action pref=100; accept AS197278
from AS21488 accept AS-EMPLOT
from AS57219 accept AS57219
from AS6876 accept AS-TENET-UA
from AS44728 accept AS44728
from AS25553 accept AS25553
from AS34251 accept AS-IMC
from AS41871 accept AS-ORG-TR2-RIPE
from AS58297 accept AS58297
from AS24962 accept AS24962
from AS50949 accept AS-AGRONET
from AS56359 accept AS56359
from AS49465 accept AS49465
from AS51993 accept AS51993
from AS50751 accept AS50751
from AS197901 accept AS197901
from AS44827 accept AS44827
from AS58015 accept AS58015
from AS44921 accept AS44921
from AS51273 accept AS-SKYNET-UA
from AS199524 accept AS199524
from AS47550 accept AS47550
from AS56404 accept AS56404
from AS44526 accept AS44526
from AS34056 accept AS-KIEVNET
from AS56972 accept AS56972
from AS28773 accept AS-MASTER
from AS198229 accept AS198229
from AS39728 accept AS-Luganet
from AS49588 accept AS-SDS
from AS61371 accept AS-UA-STARNET
from AS59888 accept AS59888
from AS48882 accept AS-IPCOM-NET
from AS31685 accept AS31685
from AS50305 accept AS50305
from AS44416 accept AS44416
from AS49444 accept AS49444
from AS50204 accept AS50204
from AS13249 accept AS-ITS-CLIENTS
from AS50981 accept AS50981
from AS49373 accept AS-FOTONTELECOM
from AS29632 accept AS-NETASSIST
from AS31388 accept AS31388
from AS44800 accept AS44800
from AS59497 accept AS-BUKNET-EXT
from AS203619 accept AS203619
from AS35588 accept AS35588
from AS60166 accept AS60166
from AS202969 accept AS-STSNET
export to AS174 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS1299 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS3356 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS9002 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS6939 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS6695 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS6777 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS50952 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS59947 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS8631 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS15645 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS31210 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS49869 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS56931 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS59613 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS50263 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS39902 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS41120 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS211947 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS28681 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS50384 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS42632 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS8744 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS39792 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS60068 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS50772 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS35297 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS3255 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS31148 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS6849 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS13335 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS11344 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS32934 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS34867 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS43139 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS44600 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS49544 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS59592 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS204384 announce AS-EUROTELE
to AS9205 announce ANY
to AS12397 announce { }
to AS24881 announce { }
to AS31069 announce { }
to AS31531 announce { }
to AS35614 announce { }
to AS39413 announce { }
to AS41119 announce { }
to AS47651 announce { }
to AS49817 announce { }
to AS50927 announce { }
to AS51216 announce { }
to AS51903 announce { }
to AS52114 announce ANY
to AS52180 announce ANY
to AS56386 announce ANY
to AS56485 announce { }
to AS56824 announce { }
to AS57460 announce { }
to AS59768 announce ANY
to AS61101 announce { }
to AS196939 announce ANY
to AS200787 announce ANY
to AS202353 announce ANY
to AS203149 announce ANY
to AS203781 announce ANY
to AS204485 announce ANY
to AS205048 announce { }
to AS207889 announce { }
to AS208494 announce { }
to AS31633 announce { }
to AS197278 announce { }
to AS21488 announce ANY
to AS57219 announce ANY
to AS6876 announce ANY
to AS44728 announce ANY
to AS25553 announce ANY
to AS34251 announce ANY
to AS41871 announce ANY
to AS58297 announce ANY
to AS24962 announce ANY
to AS50949 announce ANY
to AS56359 announce ANY
to AS49465 announce ANY
to AS51993 announce ANY
to AS50751 announce ANY
to AS197901 announce ANY
to AS44827 announce ANY
to AS58015 announce ANY
to AS44921 announce ANY
to AS51273 announce ANY
to AS199524 announce ANY
to AS47550 announce ANY
to AS56404 announce ANY
to AS44526 announce ANY
to AS34056 announce ANY
to AS56972 announce ANY
to AS28773 announce ANY
to AS198229 announce ANY
to AS39728 announce ANY
to AS49588 announce ANY
to AS61371 announce ANY
to AS59888 announce ANY
to AS48882 announce ANY
to AS31685 announce ANY
to AS50305 announce ANY
to AS44416 announce ANY
to AS49444 announce ANY
to AS50204 announce ANY
to AS13249 announce ANY
to AS50981 announce ANY
to AS49373 announce ANY
to AS29632 announce ANY
to AS31388 announce ANY
to AS44800 announce ANY
to AS59497 announce ANY
to AS203619 announce ANY
to AS35588 announce ANY
to AS60166 announce ANY
to AS202969 announce ANY
mp-import afi ipv6.unicast from AS174 action pref=100; accept ANY
afi ipv6.unicast from AS1299 action pref=100; accept ANY
afi ipv6.unicast from AS3356 action pref=100; accept ANY
afi ipv6.unicast from AS9002 action pref=100; accept ANY
afi ipv6.unicast from AS6939 action pref=100; accept ANY
afi ipv6.unicast from AS6695 action pref=290; accept AS-DECIX
afi ipv6.unicast from AS6777 action pref=290; accept AS-AMS-IX-RS-V6
afi ipv6.unicast from AS5092 action pref=290; accept AS-DATAIX
afi ipv6.unicast from AS59947 action pref=290; accept AS-LL-IX
afi ipv6.unicast from AS8631 action pref=290; accept AS-MSKROUTESERVER
afi ipv6.unicast from AS15645 action pref=300; accept AS-UAIX-v6
afi ipv6.unicast from AS31210 action pref=300; accept AS-DTEL-IX-V6
afi ipv6.unicast from AS59613 action pref=300; accept AS-UBNIX-v6
afi ipv6.unicast from AS50263 action pref=300; accept AS-1-IX-v6
afi ipv6.unicast from AS32934 action pref=200; accept AS-FACEBOOK
afi ipv6.unicast from AS49544 action pref=200; accept AS-INTERACTIVE3D
afi ipv6.unicast from AS56485 action pref=300; accept AS-THEHOST
mp-export afi ipv6.unicast to AS174 announce AS-EUROTELE
afi ipv6.unicast to AS1299 announce AS-EUROTELE
afi ipv6.unicast to AS3356 announce AS-EUROTELE
afi ipv6.unicast to AS9002 announce AS-EUROTELE
afi ipv6.unicast to AS6939 announce AS-EUROTELE
afi ipv6.unicast to AS6695 announce AS-EUROTELE
afi ipv6.unicast to AS6777 announce AS-EUROTELE
afi ipv6.unicast to AS50952 announce AS-EUROTELE
afi ipv6.unicast to AS59947 announce AS-EUROTELE
afi ipv6.unicast to AS8631 announce AS-EUROTELE
afi ipv6.unicast to AS15645 announce AS-EUROTELE
afi ipv6.unicast to AS31210 announce AS-EUROTELE
afi ipv6.unicast to AS59613 announce AS-EUROTELE
afi ipv6.unicast to AS50263 announce AS-EUROTELE
afi ipv6.unicast to AS32934 announce AS-EUROTELE
afi ipv6.unicast to AS49544 announce AS-EUROTELE
afi ipv6.unicast to AS56485 announce { ::/0 }
admin-c ETPL-RIPE
tech-c ETPL-RIPE
organisation ORG-LA1381-RIPE
country UA
org-type LIR
address PO BOX 53
Office 93, Vatslava Gavela Blvd., 7 "V"
phone +380 67 2380767
abuse-c AR52322-RIPE
role Eurotele-Plus LLC Network Operating Center
nic-hdl ETPL-RIPE