Whois: gtn-lipetsk.ru

Name: gtn-lipetsk.ru
Rank Rank by top level domain: # 1,006,932 of 3,000,000 domains
IP Address:
Linked IPv6 Address: ::
IP Location: Russian Federation Russian Federation
IP Reverse DNS (Host):
gtn-lipetsk.ru - snapshot
Hosting Company: The Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation
Hosting ASN: AS43797
Hosting IP Range: - (512 total)
Hosting Address: Main Division of Informations Resources,for States organs of the Russian Federation,4, Staraya sq.,103132 Moscow,Russia,Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation,4, Staraya sq.,103132 Moscow,Russia,Main Division of Informations Resources,for States organs of the Russian Federation,4, Staraya sq.,103132 Moscow,Russia,
Hosting Country: Russian Federation Russian Federation, Moscow
Hosting CIDR:
Website Nameservers: gtn-lipetsk.ru using 4 DNS: